7. oktober 2007

Predavanje prof. dr. Steve Busby-a

Spodnje vabilo je s strani Društva študentov mikrobiologije (avtorica: doc. dr. Marjanca Starčič Erjavec):

Spoštovan kolegice in kolegi,

Vljudno vas vabimo na predavanji prof. dr. Steve Busby-a iz School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK na temo transkripcijskega uravnavanja pri bakteriji Escherichia coli. Predavanji bosta v ponedeljek 8. (13h) ter v torek 9. oktobra (10h) v predavalnici B5 Biološkega središča (povzetek predavanj je spodaj).

Predavatelj je svetovno priznan na področju uravnavanja izražanja genov pri bakterijah. Vljudno vabljeni!

Ponedeljek, 8. 10., ob 13h, pred. B5

Regulation at simple and complex bacterial promoters

Steve Busby (School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK)

The expression of nearly all bacterial genes is principally regulated at the level of the initiation of transcription. It is now appreciated that most promoters are directly regulated by several transcription factors. I will present recent work that elucidates some of the mechanisms by which the contributions of different factors are integrated at complex promoters. In some cases, nucleoid-associated proteins play an essential role in this integration and I will describe recent studies of their distribution across bacterial genomes.

Torek, 9. 10. 2007, ob 10h, pred B5

Transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli - the big picture

Steve Busby (School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK)

The last decade has seen a renaissance in the study of transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli due mainly to the arrival of whole genome sequences and detailed structural information about the multi-subunit RNA polymerase. I will review our current understanding concerning the contributions of promoter elements, sigma factors, transcription factors and effectors. Until recently, our knowledge was based on case-by-case studies of favourite regulatory regions. However, the application of genomic methodologies, such as transcriptomics, ChIP-on-chip and bioinformatics, has revealed new insights and unexpected complications. Some recent results that address the distribution of RNA polymerase and the roles of different global transcription factors in Escherichia coli will be presented.

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